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Writer's pictureElla Hewson

Chapter 28

Updated: Jan 8, 2022

I opened my eyes at the ungodly hour of 5am to the insistent tones of orchestral music.

Oh no, I thought with a wry expression. Aunt Alice has her favourite festive soundtrack on again! Alice absolutely loved the movie The Holiday and she had been playing the soundtrack non-stop since Boxing Day. I looked out the window of the Cullen's upstairs spare room and towards the pond that sat a short distance from the house. I saw snow-dusted trees and a carpet of iridescent ice reflected in it's mirror-like watery depths.

The view outside the Cullen house of the trees

I looked to the other side of the enormous king size bed and saw my sister Renesmee snuggled underneath the cerulean blankets. Laying next to her was a fluffy caramel shape recognisable to me as my beloved dog, Bruce. Renesmee looked at me sleepily.

Renesmee staring at me sleepily and stroking Bruce

"Happy New Year sis," she said. Reaching for Bruce she picked him up carefully and kissed the top of his head. "And Happy New Year Bruce!" she said happily. Renesmee and I had stayed the night at the Cullen house so we could celebrate New Years Eve with them. We had had a wonderful night tobogganing in the forest. Esme had ornately decorated the forest trees with lights, which made it look like a fairyland.

The ornately decorated trees in the Cullen's backyard

We had finished the night by having hot Sangue and marshmallows by a fire pit. It had the been the most magical way to bring in the new year.

"Today is going to be a pyjama day," I said with a smile.

"A pyjama and reading day," Renesmee said cheerily.

We headed to the lift and descended smoothly, making our way into the elegantly furnished living room. There was no sight of the streamers or sparklers from the night before. Evidently, Alice had cleaned vigorously, from the hardwood floors all the way up to the chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. Renesmee, Bruce and I settled ourselves on the pastel coloured couch and covered ourselves in a matching lavender blanket.

Renesmee and I in nightclothes reading our books

I set about vivaciously reading my Christmas gift - First Folio by William Shakespeare. Edward had given it to me and it was incredibly special.

My copy of First Folio given to me by Edward
An interesting fact: Originally titled Mr. William Shakespeare’s Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies, the First Folio is a collection of 23 plays by William Shakespeare, including The Tempest, Much Ado About Nothing, and Romeo and Juliet. It was first printed in 1623, seven years after the iconic playwright’s death, and is considered the reason why his work lives on to this day. Without it, Shakespeare’s plays might have been lost forever. In 2006, First Folio sold at auction for $5.2 million (about $6.3 million today) at Sotheby’s in New York.

Before I had even read one line, I was interrupted by Renesmee, who handed me a card with my name written in cursive writing.

"Someone handed this to me on the last day of school. They wanted me to give it to you on New Years Day." She emphasised the word someone with wicked glee.

I opened the card tentatively. On the cover was a lady in an old fashioned, sapphire blue gown reading a book beside an open bookshelf. The cover was perfect.

Felix's card for me

As I opened the card, a bookmark fell to the floor, it's golden tassle glistening as it descended. I bent down and carefully picked it up. Embossed on the front in blue were the words "This above all: to thine own self be true. William Shakespeare". I laid down the bookmark and looked inside the card. It was from Felix!


I began to read the writing within the card.

"When I first arrived at this town, yet another town in the life of a foster child, I had given up. I was done trying, done making an effort, done getting to know anyone. What's the point, I thought. I'll probably be moving again soon. But then you came along. Your kindness and friendship makes me want to give Forks a chance. I am looking forward to sharing the new year with you. Your friend Felix."

I smiled at Felix's thoughtful words and reflected on how lucky I was to have family and friends at this special time.

Ella smiling at Felix's kind words

This is going to be my best year ever, I thought happily. I wonder what it's going to hold...



While I was writing this I was listening to:

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